random selection from John Rasimus drawings on paper (6x8,4 inch). Blandat ur teckningar på papper John Rasimus (15x21 cm).
1. Posten och tre tjejer/The post office and three girls Fiskare/ The fisher 3. Jesus!
6. KvinnorFiltochDaligtVader/ Women felting and bad weather.
4. Orat/the ear 5. VENUS- hehehe
7. Arg/ Angry 8. Running man and kantarell 9. Car crasch
12. Help!
11. Five stars and woman in skirt
10. Impossible story about love.
13. Oh deer 14. Happiness 15. One two three.
16. X-mas drawing.
18. Tandstickspojk./matchstickboy
17. the dark side of a man.
19. the impossible story about love,part 2 20. I wonder who´s...
21. Bil mit kaffe flecken.
24. Story Telling (paper fold once)
23. Story Telling (pencil and yellow pen)
22. Story Telling.(Red pencil and yellow pen.